Spark in the socket?


When inserting a plug into a socket, there's always an audible and visible flashover. Here it was when plugging in the laptop power connector.

What could be the reason?


In the meantime, I learned that these sparks are being observed in the outlet in a whole living area. At first I thought that it could possibly be due to the house installation. But if it occurs in larger residential areas or neighborhoods it must be something other than individual features.

I have moved several times and have never experienced it where I was. Only now in this residential area.


Possibly moisture or even a contact error. Should check a professional.


Such power supplies have no switch, they are plugged under load and pulled. There's a skipping spark when contacting and a tear spark when pulling completely normal.

But if all plugs sit loose, then the socket must be replaced.


That comes before MAL. Take ne others and let a pro watch if a cable is loose.