Upcoming psychiatric stay - locker size in psychiatry?


Does anyone know whether you can usually lock your entire wardrobe in a psychiatric hospital or is there only one small locker there? The reason is that I have to take my laptop with me (it is also allowed) and of course I would like to lock it up.

What was your experience with the lockers?


Um, yes… Most of the time the closet has a key. But not always (because it's broken) and I've only seen a locker so far in the deadline class. Experience has shown that clinics are stolen without end. So take an old laptop with you.


I don't know the locker on the closet.

This is usually given to the ward. Cell phone, always carry music!


Doesn't cost much - https://www.kriminalberatung.de/laptop-diebstahlschutz/.

Is mandatory for me when I'm in the hotel etc. Usually it comes to the heating pipe.

Get well soon


What is there being stolen… Clothes / cosmetics? I've never had an inpatient stay. What should I not take with me?


Nothing that is valuable to you and or that arouses envy in others. I've never had anything stolen myself, but I've never had the latest electronics on board.


You could call the ward there and ask how it looks with a lockable space for your laptop!

P.S.: I think it's good that you have found yourself ready for a treatment!
Good wishes to you!