Support ALG2 because of corona?


My parents are getting alg 2 I need a new laptop because my brother and I share one that also totally hangs I saw applications on the internet, but alg2 wasn't there, someone knows whether I'm at all because of the university and my brother because of it School receive support because they only work with a laptop at the moment because of the coronavirus.


Call the JC and ask your clerk


You can now submit applications for home cooling or home office.


The legal information on this subject known to me is all relatively fresh and changes again.

As far as I know, the job center has to cover the cost of an inexpensive digital device if the school does not provide one.

You can submit applications and then just wait for the decision.

Incidentally, you do not need any applications from the Internet for this - such an application can also be submitted informally on a sheet of A4 paper.

However, if a computer hangs "totally", it might help to set up the operating system again or to expand the working memory.

In my opinion, a new device is not absolutely necessary, and the job center may see it that way.