Does the job center approve a laptop during the Corona period?


I refer to Alg2

Is it possible to submit an informal application for a laptop to write the application, which is also approved? If so, how much support can I expect?

At the moment you can't go to the job center through corona to write applications there.

Maybe there's also a grant in it?!


For sure no one will finance you a laptop. You are welcome to continue dreaming about it.


You may get a loan that you then have to pay off. But I doubt that you will be given the laptop like that. Of course you can still try.

You apparently have an internet-enabled device anyway. Online applications go from there (even if it can be cumbersome). And if you apply by post, you also need a printer. I guess you don't have that either?

Personally, I would ask around in a circle of friends. I would not be surprised if anyone has something old standing around. The thing doesn't have to work miracles.

Or just eBay classifieds. If necessary, you will find one under 100 euro who can do the most necessary.


Why a laptop, where do you want to take it with you?

Desktop computers are much cheaper for the same performance and are certainly sufficient for writing applications, and with a decent keyboard they are also more ergonomic.


You can forget that! They would if you were a student and a pc also only needs 150 euro

So if you really need that, you don't need a laptop but a pc and when used you can get a monitor from 100-150 euro, for example for 40-50 euro

A B / (W printer for example from 30 euro or less if that's also needed!

In addition, you can write an application by hand or with a typewriter. You can get it for 10-30 euro in the antiquarian bookshop!

You can also write it in the internet cafe and have it printed out who is going there or ask one of your friends if you can do that then you can also draw it on a stick!

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