Food for thought (Domestic violence and children) Social work?


Hello you love it in my notebook. I'm currently preparing my homework, and I already know which topic I would like to treat, but I just can't think of any interesting questions. I would like to write about domestic violence and children, but I'm still open to whether I want to write about violence against children or about the effects it has on the child, for example, when domestic violence takes place between the parents. What would interest you? Which question would directly lead you to want to read the work? I'm having a hard time just because I care about the subject very much, and I find it very interesting.


I would like to know how it affects the children's future lives, when they often witness domestic violence, or witnessed a (possibly fatal) outburst of violence by a parent.


I find both variants interesting.

You may start by writing if you choose one of the two topics. You can still formulate the exact question.