What can I do if neighbors' children play in the garden screaming loudly from morning to night every day?


I have been living with my friend in our home for about 2 years. A young Albanian family with 3 children moved in next door about 1 year ago. The age of the children should be from 2-7 years. I don't know exactly. Since moving in, we have been experiencing cries and crying from the two smaller children every single day. It starts early in the morning when the children run into the garden and lasts until evening. Especially in summer you can hear the shouting from the neighboring house because their windows are all completely open. The parents usually let them act without limits and are accessible even on a notebook or smartphone. We have tried several times to point out that we definitely have nothing against children playing, but the kids just scream and cry loudly and the parents don't intervene at all. Unfortunately, we can see no change, not even insight or a little effort to bring up children. Now I ask myself the question, do I somehow have rights as a neighbor or do I ultimately only have to "sell and move house"?


You can't do anything about it, they are just children.


Record that for a few weeks.

Then ask a lawyer.


This will be very difficult because according to the court, child cries are not considered noise.

there are times in every federal state where you have rest at night, here in Schleswig Holstein 22: 00-08: 00.

Otherwise maybe contact the landlord but otherwise I wouldn't know if it doesn't help talking to the parents.


The fact that children's noise is actually not noise is an outrage in my view, but I have already looked it up. That's just how it is.

But contacting the landlord is unfortunately irrelevant. The family owns the neighboring house.


OK. Then it becomes difficult to do something.