What do children need a smartphone for?


I don't mean a cell phone or a tower PC at home. It's smartphones. A cell phone is all it takes to be reachable. For researching the PC / laptop at home.

I personally find it horrible to see how children (even those who are enthusiastic about Fridays for Future) stick to things… The back is crooked and often with an open mouth.

What do children need something for? I'm in my mid-20s and didn't see the need for a smartphone. The battery is quickly empty, is not particularly environmentally friendly, is addictive and reduces social skills.

By the way. An additional question for the parents. Why the hell are you buying something for your CHILDREN? Since there are more people on Girlfriend who intentionally want to misunderstand me. Again to write down → ordinary CHILDREN. No adolescents, adolescents, adults, sick people, disabled people, injuries or similar.

What do children need a smartphone for

Here's something nice (with "trigger warning").


Children don't really need that. But it's probably also considered a "status symbol" these days.


I find the type and formulation of the question somewhat exaggerated. In principle, I'm also very careful when it comes to "new media" for children and do not consider certain devices to be particularly useful for a certain age group. Nevertheless, you have to differentiate a bit: We're in a process of change when it comes to such things. Our parents and grandparents did not have this discussion because the devices did not even exist. Today they are there and omnipresent. So I wonder if we should keep shooting at it or if it's better to learn how to use it than to forbid it. You also have to keep in mind that children often imitate what their parents have set for them. And they don't hang too little themselves on the small screens. In the past, kiddies were allowed to watch an episode of Tom & Jerry, when the TV was demonized - today they fiddle around on their cell phones. The TV set has moved into the background.

I'm eyeing this "progress" with the necessary skepticism and caution, but I do not demonize it per se.


Isn't that somehow sick?


Well… Is the typical "I don't need that, so no one else can use that" behavior of the questioner. Has something to do with the bigger picture.


In my opinion, yes.

But everyone sees it differently.


I personally use my smartphone as you use it, i.e. Whatsapp and other messengers, phone calls and quickly check something on the internet etc.

I also find no problem with this use in children. It should logically not degenerate in such a way that you no longer talk to your friends but always stare at your cell phone with every activity, but I would rather classify this as an extreme form that of course exists.

However, as a parent, you should already learn your child how to use it correctly and, of course, how to respect others, and then there's no problem in my opinion.


I don't think a smartphone is still a status symbol anywhere today. It's more about not wanting your child to become an outsider: Actually, you don't find smartphones good for children - but you don't want to impose outsider status on the child (of course, very much depends on the child's environment, whether there are smartphones for children are common)


To be perfectly honest, you don't really need a smartphone in life. The only reason I have yours is that I just need Whatsapp and Telegram and also like to have all my emails with me, which would literally make things a bit more difficult with a laptop. I had a normal key cell phone up to the 5th grade, in case something happens that I could call. I think from the 5th grade upwards it's a kind of status symbol and if you don't have one, you will especially Because of WhatsApp and other messengers, they have less to do with their classmates, because they only communicate about them, so calls were made in my time. But I don't want to say that it is so bad, because it usually makes sense and a few games are also good, at least to distract you on long trips. Listening to music shouldn't be underestimated, that's the main achievement of my cell phone. And you don't always have to have the latest, if it works, it is enough for me, mine is now 1.5 years old and I will keep it for at least 2 years if it does not break. I can explain to myself that parents give things to their children with the fact that they are easier to "calm down" when you have a few games on them. Can definitely be helpful sometimes.


I see it very differently now.

If you make your child strong against such hostility (that it is an outsider) - your child is above it.


I find the type and formulation of the question somewhat exaggerated.

Is on purpose.


I think it's a rumor. I was very popular in my class and never owned a smartphone. It wasn't financial. I've made my own money since I was 14. I never understood the need.


Thank you. It's nice to see that there are still "real people".


I'm just being honest. Children don't really need smartphones. They make you stupid, sick and are anything but environmentally friendly.


Yes, cars are great.


I do not have a car (?)


I asked my sister once, her daughter got one at 10 (is now 12) and the son at 7.

Yes why? Because everyone has it so that they are not excluded.

I find the reason itself stupid.

I don't have children myself, I would probably avoid it with my smartphone, but that's so easy to say when you're not in the situation.


But that was a bit ago. Nowadays children without a smartphone have a really hard time. I would not want my child to no longer be able to communicate with others outside or not to be aware of current issues. I'm 14 myself, so exactly in this generation. With us it is not about that it is a status symbol, that was only the case when I was in the fifth grade at the junior high school. With us in high school it doesn't matter what kind of cell phone you have, but without it you are stuck. You are not in the class chat, so you don't notice anything, neither school-specific things nor meetings in the afternoon. You can't really keep in touch with group work. And when friends move away or go to another school, you get lonely without a cell phone because you don't have a WhatsApp to communicate with.

Personally, I was able to continue my education very well on my cell phone, because I'm interested in politics, I can get good information and get the latest news straight away. I'm also very interested in medicine, so I was able to continue my education. The cell phone is not always bad. Sure there are scary examples, but the cell phone is a good thing.