Are laptops produced fairly fairly?

- in Dell

I actually just want to consume fairly (i.e. People / animals / environment) in a friendly way.

Are the working conditions for laptops just as bad as for smartphones? Did not find much on the subject in my research, only that there are actually no certified laptops on the market.

When comparing brands, Apple, Dell and HP did the best

although there were many critical articles about these brands in particular. Is that also because the others disclose their way of production even less.

Are "conflict raw materials" used for laptops at all? In which other technical products are critical substances still used and where are there critical working conditions?

I haven't found that out yet

Maybe. Weiß jmd. More about that.


Thank you, which are all the conflict resources in the laptop, just the two? Then there are fewer, right?


I mean you get through without a laptop, you can do little and there are no fairly certified, so no alternative…


No cheap alternatives


So there's no such thing as the Fairphone (or Shiftphone) where they produce at least as fairly as possible on the market… I wonder whether I should live without a laptop or only take second-hand products as an alternative… Let's see.


I haven't found anything critical about tantalum, only rare earths…


Tantalum is part of it, people in the Congo mine it under the worst conditions and, of course, with a gun on their head, by plane it goes to neighboring countries, where it is distributed, there are also some Swiss companies that make their profits with suffering.


True, the conflict metals should be tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold… Oh yes and cobalt, the Fairphone has no alternative yet

You can also buy remanufactured smartphones and laptops, but just as with fair alternatives, you will lose quality and it may be. Expensive.

I collect all information on my website:

Don't think that it only affects the Swiss. Anyone who buys something that is unfairly produced is complicit, I see the responsibility primarily with the customers, otherwise the system would not work.


And then there are 36 metals whose origin FAIRPHONE does not know.


Of course, all customers are to blame and of course there are such criminals in many other countries too! You see, it is not so easy to find a "fair" product.


Yes, the big ones are probably not producing fairly… Omg I just read something about animal testing (something is only considered animal testing if the animal suffers!), Which is actually still being used in large numbers in all industries and sciences, I think I'll be my life completely change and give up my studies, I can't support something like that… War and animal experiments… I'll see how I can get through it differently


What do you study?


Nutritional science, I thought there was no animal testing, but apparently they got to torture animals somehow, well, it's not my responsibility… I've done a lot of other things, but I can't work fast enough for the economy, then I have to you choose the best alternative…


But on the other hand I also help against animal suffering, because if people eat healthier, there are fewer diseases and the pharmaceutical industry does not need to do any more animal testing…


Don't just give up your studies, at least finish it so that you have something in your hand and not without it…


Thanks, I probably do, maybe. Can I even work on a farm in the meantime or something… I have a new idea how to make laptop shopping fair… Whenever you buy a technical product, you donate to an organization that helps the factory and mine workers in Asia… However I haven't found an organization yet, but I wrote to hp and suggested it because, apart from DELL and Apple, they're the only ones that help the workers, but Apple is quite expensive and DELL doesn't have a proper contact form for that… Let's see if anything happens can be done… It doesn't really matter which organization helps, I think in the end everyone will buy it from the same company.


I find it fascinating that you are interested in something like this, at least someone who is concerned about the background.


It's just that I personally don't want my life and consumer behavior to have a bad impact on anyone, I mean, of course, the bosses there aren't Europeans, but we kind of support the "bad guys" if we consume thoughtlessly… Vllt. I see it wrong, but I already feel responsible… And better to take on too much responsibility than once too little… I was brought up so Christian and we should treat others as we would like to be treated… And it also means " everyone reaps what he sows "and imagine if you treat others indifferently, then it is your own fault if they treat you indifferently if they were in power… And that would not be so cool for us… Sure, many also have the attitude, like a boss in the film about the textile industry, that his employees would only spend the money on tobacco and alcohol… And when he says that, he smokes a cigarette… Many say the same with homeless people… But Jesus simply said we should help the poor, I think even if they were bad… So I just take that as an instruction and try to keep the golden rule…


Well that could be very difficult with certain products. B. With your cell phone?


I only have a very simple cell phone, I needed a waterproof one, because 2 years ago I had to splash around with water in the milking parlor and also have to be able to make calls, that doesn't work with the Fairphone… And my laptop is already 10 years old, I was there still small and never thought of anything like that… I always buy my old laptop from my sister, when she needs a new one because she programs, at least no resources are wasted… And otherwise I have now actually managed to believe that everything what I privately consume is fair or 2nd hand… If someone else buys something, then he has to take responsibility, that's my rule… I've even become vegan so that no animals have to suffer


I don't blame you, you shouldn't. We all don't have fairly produced products, so don't forget the food, especially bananas, cocoa, palm oil, meat.


And I don't buy things from Italy and Spain anymore either, because I know that the working conditions are bad because of the economic pressure, okay, in some countries I don't know how it is produced, but mostly you are informed if something is bad…

… Fairtrade bananas are probably. Okay, but cocoa and coffee need tons of water, we can't do that, if Africans die of thirst and I don't use palm oil either


Why do you think the Swiss are to blame? (I'm also Swiss)

Can't see that from the documentary


Of course, it's not just the Swiss who are to blame, but since you came from Switzerland, I emphasized this separately.


Huh, you don't know that, I don't live in Switzerland, only my father is from there


Your link in the question above was very treacherous.