Best Linux version?


I want to install Linux for my laptop, which has 16gb RAM, Intel i7 (8th generation) and Intel UHD 620. Reason: Windows 10 is crazy! I reset my laptop twice and even reloaded it once with the Windows Media Creation Tool. It's only been like this for a week, since the update, I uninstalled it but nothing has changed, so I'm switching back to Linux. I'm currently using Linux Mint (the latest version), but I don't really like it, there aren't many programs. I wanted to ask which version of Linux do you think is the best? Which offers the most programs and also looks much nicer and maybe offers more than Linux mint?


So in terms of scope and the amount of tutorials, Mint is pretty good. Personally, I would choose Ubuntu.

Because of the appearance: You can change everything by installing a different desktop environment, e.g. B. Gnome, XFCE, KDE or others. Just google it.


The fact that there aren't many pre-installed programs is a good thing. You should decide for yourself what should be on it.

I would take elementaryOS.


Does Ubuntu also offer more programs? And does Ubuntu also have a store?


However, I don't really like it, there aren't many programs

What do you mean "not many"? In the official package sources alone you should easily find 20,000 programs, others - such as Atom - are available via external sources. In addition, Mint also has a flat pack, which means that additional programs are available.

If that's still not enough for you, Arch and its derivatives are worth a look (Manjaro e.g.)


No, I mean programs that you can install. XD


Well, many programs no longer start either, they are no longer updated.


I do believe that Ubuntu has a store. The programs are actually the same everywhere. Most programs are not downloaded from the store anyway, but from the terminal and that works mostly with both Mint and Ubuntu, only the commands vary slightly.


Which ones, for example?


Where can I get Ubuntu? And what version of ubuntu?


Wine, PlayOnLinux


You can download Ubuntu on in the download area and then you have to put it on a USB stick (the usual one). The version is on the website.


Yes, but which version should I get? You said yes → z. B. Gnome, XFCE, KDE or others.


These are the desktop environments, there's one and you can change it if necessary. There are videos on YT.


Mint is not a bleeding edge distribution. You're better off at Arch or Gentoo if that's important to you.


Which desktop environment should I get?


What's better at Arch than Mint?


Many program versions are more current (bleeding edge). Of course, you buy that with the disadvantage that not all bugs have been ironed out yet.


What should bleeding edge mean?


That the programs are up to date, so to speak as soon as the programmer delivers the code, they are available as packages for Arch. (In simple words)


OpenSuse Leap 15.2 with KDE desktop would be a good choice.


ElementaryOS is not recommended, especially not for beginners. "Please pay for free treatments or enter 0 euro". Nice idea that the developers get something too, but no.


Wine and PlayOnLinux are exactly the programs that you don't need and shouldn't use under Linux.

If you want to use Windows programs, especially games, then just use Windows. Point.


There are a variety of distributions, but Linux Mint is one that has a lot to offer. What are you missing that go beyond the 20,000 programs that are already available?

More beautiful is always in the eye of the beholder. I think Cinnamon is pretty nice. Wouldn't be my first choice, but that's individual. By the way, the theme can be changed almost freely. See:

Arch Linux or (probably more suitable for you) Manjaro should offer most of the programs. Virtually any program that can be compiled on Linux can be accessed via the AUR. To do this, you have to be very knowledgeable. For example, you can partially bag your system if you haven't installed any updates for 2 weeks. You have to want to.

I recommend:

Linux Mint 20.1
Gecko Linux static or rolling (the latter has more packages available)


This is the first idiot test. For what reason then? What speaks against it?



ElementaryOS is purely downstream.
For everything they develop their own applications that no other DE uses. Must have a reason why it doesn't work…
We don't need macOS clones and can be built with other DEs in the same way. If you want macOS, you should get it.
Development is significantly slower than is already the case with Ubuntu. Version 6 is still a long time coming, while Ubuntu 20.04 has been out for a year → bad update policy.

At least I hope that browsers are updated, otherwise it will be really dangerous.

Or is elementaryOS a rolling release? Something was there…

In summary: There are better distributions that also do something upstream and offer more.


If you want something that is similar to Windows (start menu, window bar, …), then Cinnamon or KDE.
If you want something new, then GNOME.
If your PC is rather old and underperforming, then Xfce.


I agree with Julihan41. Just see what you like. There are screenshots on the internet.


Just checked it out. Mint 20 contains Playonlinux version 4.3.4, which is the most current version.

Wine is version 5.0.3, the current version is 5.0.4 or 6.0.

It's not that insanely out of date.