Installing and Using KeePass 2.43 for Windows on Linux Mint?


I have on my notebook Windows 7, which is no longer served with updates from 14.1.2020. But since I installed Linus Mint as the second partiton, I would like to continue using my work, which I created with Windows, with Linux. This includes the program KeePass. Now, however, the version KeePass 1. 37 installed on Linux and not suitable for me, because it is the slimmed-down version of KeePass. This means that with this version it is not possible to reorder the individual entries. However, there's the possibility to use the version 2.43 Portable on a stick to use with Linux. Since this procedure is rather complicated for me, I would like to use the version 2.43 on my computer. Is there anyone in the round who can help me in this case?


Why do not you install Keepass 2.43 on your Linux?


I did that. But that does not work. Maybe it's because I've turned on the pre-installed Keepass from Linux Application Management. Should I uninstall it first and delete everything related to Keepass? I do not know what's right. Maybe you have a good tip.


Keepass has indeed under "Help" an update function. That does not work? You can definitely install keepass2 from the user database. Maybe that takes you a step further.

I myself use keepassxc


Which version is Keepass xc? The Keepass 2 from the user database is the one I have on it. The sorting function is missing. I do not know if Kepass xc has this sorting function.