My boyfriend is only playing, what can I do?


We're currently on vacation and my boyfriend is very happy to gamble most of the day. What can I do to distract him? It is also not enough for me to do something different every now and then when he is right back on the laptop. It annoys and frustrates me a lot


Talk to him either he will check it out or not. Sex deprivation is always a good way for him to do more with you again.


Let him do his hobby. And if you take the initiative, for example, go to the cinema or have a nice meal, but doing something together can quickly get boring.


You obviously have two different ideas about a good life

If it doesn't come from him, or you have to persuade him first, it's not really real, then he would only do it for you and so… Maybe you could do a sports hobby or something, but that's hard.

know a couple of relationships where it broke up
And also experienced that it was kept as a relationship, but both were actually not satisfied with their time together.


Talk to him about it! You definitely have to do that, otherwise nothing will change. He has to understand if you want to do something other than gamble with him. You can also make a compromise: If you meet during the day, you make yourself a nice day (go out or something) and then he can gamble in the evening, because he is on vacation after all


Throw it out the window


And then?