Buy work equipment privately after termination? Is that possible?


I have a very special question. I quit my job at my employer. Everything is good and there was no argument.

It is clear to me that I have to return tools such as a notebook, smartphone etc. On the last working day, but I like my current notebook and my monitor, which I bought at the time, so much that I would like to keep these things private.

Hence my question:

Is there basically the possibility to ask the previous employer here whether you can also buy these items privately (of course for a reasonable price) instead of returning them? Or are there possible risks that I have to consider?

I look forward to your opinions.


You can always ask. But there's no requirement to buy his work equipment and I do not know any employer who sells his computers to his ex-people. Buy it yourself, if you like it, there's something new to buy.


You can of course ask questions, in our house everything has to be done via IT security, because the hard drive is usually completely removed (then the question is whether you want to keep it that way). Of course, this is only possible if the items are not leased per se (and the items are not as good as new). In your place, I would specifically speak to the issuing / delivery point of the devices whether they offer something like this


You can of course ask questions. If it's not a model that is about to be replaced soon, then you won't stand a chance.


You can of course ask questions. However, all company internals and contacts must be deleted.


That is entirely up to the decision of your employer. Of course, you can't keep a computer on which company data is stored.


Thanks for the star:-)