Use file sharing in iPad OS in the Files app?


A quick question.

I have shared a folder with a laptop in the same network, I want to access it from the iPad, it also works super simply via the function Connect to server in the file app, but now I want to use a shared folder that is on a laptop that is integrated in a domain, I enter the following:

my domain / share name

connect to continue and now enter username and password, if correct?

Well it does not work (the file app obviously does not accept a backslash as soon as I enter one, the further button is greyed out).

If someone wants to say that it doesn't work, it worked on a testipad, I just don't remember what I typed. The instructions from Apple on how the syntax is kept within limits in the help you don't get any information about how to enter it when a domain is playing.

And by the way in the PDF Expert 7 app, the whole thing works without any problems by giving the above information, the only difference, here domain and share name do not share one line but are broken down separately.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong?


Please forget my question, I recognized it myself sometimes you get lost in one way. The domain of course comes to the username and not before the release name… My mistake.