How long should i use my laptop?


I wanted to ask how long I should use my new laptop a day so that it will be more than 2 years old (they say yes with intensive use a laptop is only 2 years old). I bought my new laptop last summer so it's not that old. Since we have video conferences because of school, it may well be that I use it more than 6 hours a day because I still gamble in the evening. XD

How long should I actually use it a day?

My old laptop was only 2 years old, but it wasn't that good.


Your Windows will only be two years old → you have to reinstall that or you take a more durable OS like Linux.

The laptop (hardware) itself could easily run through 10 years without interruption.


If good hardware is installed, you can use it for at least 10 years!


I'm not sure if this question is serious.

But so be it:

A decent laptop can and should be used. If the keyboard is worn out at some point, it can be replaced, the same applies to the battery, hard drive, etc.

Inquire about the repair options the next time you buy a laptop.

You can find a good source of tests, etc. On


Does hp have good hardware? Sorry don't know me well with something like that xD


But you can't really replace a motherboard or it would be very expensive, right? With my old one, you couldn't save it: 'D


A laptop can be used for more than 2 years, it just depends on how you use it.

If you only work with it, the hardware will last for a few years, if you gamble on it, the associated high temperature will have a negative impact.

So that you can compensate for this, it is recommended to use a laptop cooler when gaming, i.e. A stand which additionally cools the laptop from below by means of a fan. This can significantly reduce the temperature of the laptop and thus increase its longevity.

Individual parts such as the keyboard or the battery can be replaced relatively easily in the event of a defect or heavy wear. In my opinion, the battery is the biggest problem here. You can roughly calculate the life of the battery at 2 years, but this also depends heavily on usage. The keyboard can be spared by using an external keyboard if possible.

Basically, laptops are only partially suitable for gaming and even if there are gaming laptops, desktop PCs are better suited for this. A laptop to be used for gaming is interesting if you are on the go a lot, but if you mostly only use the laptop stationary, the desktop PC is a much better choice.

Another factor is the operating system itself. Even if Win10 has meanwhile become significantly better in contrast to its predecessors, even after prolonged intensive use you have the problem that you have to set up the system again at some point in order to achieve full compatibility and performance. If you make the system completely new with Win10 once a year you are definitely not doing anything bad, but after 2 years at the latest you should actually renew the system to get rid of the data garbage.

Win10 is no longer as vulnerable as its predecessor, but you still do something good if you rebuild the system at least every 2 years. Here, however, it is not just a matter of resetting the system but actually making the system flat. Means to format hard drives and reinstall Windows from scratch.

With Win10 this is now very easy and hardly takes any time. The installation of Win10 takes about 10-15 minutes and is child's play using a USB boot stick that can be created (Media Creation Tool from Windows itself). Thanks to the large number of standard drivers that are now supplied by Windows, you no longer have to install various individual drivers until everything is running. Usually the system is fully operational after installation.

Well, I've now deviated from your real question. But you can still state that a laptop can survive longer than 2 years, in the end this only depends on how intensively the device is used and what temperatures it was exposed to. It is fatal for every laptop if, for example, you take it to bed and the laptop suffocates through the ceiling, so the fan can no longer work properly. This ultimately kills the hardware.


That shouldn't matter for most devices. Most manufacturers have good quality.

There were some motherboards in which capacitors were built in, which took damage at high temperatures, but that shouldn't really exist anymore. (a 2ct component was saved…)

What I of course assume is that you clean the fan of dust every few years. The battery and the hard drive are also wearing parts, but hard drives are always new at a relatively low price and the battery should also be able to be replaced.

You wrote that you have an old laptop? It is definitely not broken xD


Yes, yes, my old one is broken xD the motherboard is damaged and I think the fans too. But the laptop wasn't really suitable for gaming.


Such a mainboard shouldn't just break like that…

Either something external acted on it or it was simply of poor quality…

Well no matter.