Parents do not give me a 'free space'?


I ask you again for advice. And my parents do not give me any freedom, that is, I have to be home at 7 pm, I'm not allowed out until 3 pm, or they do not let me meet friends at all. That's all the time. Previously, not allowed to go out with friends at all. They do not allow me to sleep with friends, control my devices (cell phone, laptop) just want to be 'overpowering' everything. Most of all, it makes me feel like I have to be home at 7 pm (when I'm home at 7 pm, I'm not doing anything at all, just sitting around stupidly), so I always look like I'm such a ' 'Mother's son' would be. When my father comes home, it is the worst, he gets drunk and becomes fierce / aggressive towards me and my brother (disability) if he does not like something. I also can't have my own opinion, and they would like to decide everything. My older brother was allowed a lot more than me. My parents wonder why sometimes I get so aggressive, but I think that's obvious. Last year they also forced me to confirmation although I did not want to do that and forced myself to put on some clothes, even though I did not want to. I also wanted to do an FSJ in Norway or at THW here in DE, I did not allow it. A friend from the firm group wanted to help me at that time, but I refused the help and if what, I can contact you, you would in case of doubt with me to go to the youth welfare office or to the police…

Life here at home really pisses off me, I've also thought about leaving home, but I'm not leaving my brother alone here.


Clearly, your parents are not allowed to tie back their peer relationships.

This happens precisely in families who have much to hide.

Alcohol abuse and aggression must not just be tolerated as a child and adolescent.

This is clearly a case for the youth welfare office.

It is certainly good if you get a place in a residential group. The conditions in your home are not reasonable for a healthy development.


Your situation at home reads very tense. You have the desire for more freedom and personal development, which at 17 years is more than understandable. After all, you have to act independently from the age of 18 and make decisions for your life, which is completely neglected with these circumstances and Probably rather has a counterproductive effect.

Until you reach the age of 18, your parents are 1. Caring and 2. Have the right of residence.

In any case, your own well-being is endangered in these circumstances, because your father constantly omits aggression through his alcoholism on you and also does not refrain from this towards your disabled brother.

Your text also reads as if your home is no longer really something, because you even consider leaving this place in a hurry, which again expresses your distress reinforced. Because a child or teenager who is in good hands at home, would not come to such thoughts, unless there's an adolescent crisis coupled with impulsivity. But since it is a permanent condition and you can't stand it anymore, I can fully understand your thoughts. But I ask you not to do anything ill-considered, because in retrospect, this could affect you even more negatively.

It might be an option to really go to the youth welfare office and then move to a residential group. For your brother will find a solution, for example, assisted living o.a. The idea that an absolutely defenseless person must experience violence, I find absolutely terrible. It's enough if this happens to you!

Take your girlfriend and use her offer, what she made you. It's good if someone backs you up and you're not alone.


You are 17 years old and you are no longer comfortable at home, what prevents you from going to the youth welfare office at home because of the conditions you described?

Many adolescents feel that they have been treated unfairly, because their parents do not allow them everything, that they should be home at some time and the others are allowed to continue celebrating, which of course does not appeal to them.

We were all in the age and have survived some prohibitions, parents do not forbid something just out of boredom.

As for the reaction of your father, the youth welfare office should know that and you are of age in one year and maybe there's the possibility that you could get into a group through the youth welfare office, where you can also stay with 18. Have to ask for it.

But do not fool yourself in a group, there's a house rules and who does not stick to it with break times, the flies out.

Most of all, it makes me feel like I have to be home at 7 pm (when I'm home at 7 pm, I'm not doing anything at all, just sitting around stupidly), so I always look like I'm such a ' 'Mother's son' would be.

D A S is up to you then, why do you have no motivation to do anything, sitting around stupid at home, like learning or hiring you a hobby to train you spiritually (reading or similar).

I also wanted to do an FSJ in Norway or at the THW

Maybe your parents had reasons, nobody knows this, because you need money for that (by the way).

So ask the youth welfare office to see what options there are for you and your disabled brother, because beating does not work.

The stupid is only with so many questions, you only hear one side and many times it would sound different if the parents would also speak here. Then many things would look different.

So one can only give one's personal opinion, as a question is asked and give you the advice:

go to the youth welfare office, describe your case, but they will surely come over at home, because they will get an overall view and listen to both sides.