Our relationship is banned, what to do?


Since me and my girlfriend kissed at school on Friday and our teacher saw it, he shared it with our parents. (We're both 15)

With my parents there weren't any big problems, you with your parents did.

She is doing very badly. After admitting that I'm her friend, she has no cell phone and no contact with the outside world.

Her parents don't want her to have a boyfriend. Therefore all these punishments.
You I and you love each other and we don't know what to do.

It would be wrong to lie to the parents, but it would also be wrong to end because we love each other and will love each other.

Now I want to ask you:

what would be right To listen to the parents and to break up. (We shouldn't stay friends either) Or just keep lying to the parents or we should first wait and see how their parents become.

she currently has no cell phone. Just a laptop and we write about it on instagram every day.
we both don't know what to do.

we need each other.


In any case, first to the trust teacher. He can classify the matter better and give you and you tips. Second: keep a cool head and don't get too involved, time ALWAYS helps. Third, keeping in touch shouldn't be a problem. Your parents may be primarily concerned about sexual activity. Maybe you can talk to them about that. And say that such is by no means planned. What time brings is a different matter. So all in all: keep in touch and try to talk sensibly with the parents.


Difficult situation. On the one hand i'm a mother, on the other hand i was young and deeply sad when something similar happened to me.

as a parent of a girl, you worry that she will end up in bed too early. As a girl of that age, you want to do what you enjoy.

If I could turn back time, I would want to meet secretly.


The story of Romeo and Juliet already shows that it is impossible to keep lovers away from each other. Many ancient sagas and stories also deal with this topic. Often even death itself is viewed as an obstacle and attempts are made to overcome it.

Talk to your parents and their parents about it. They can try to separate you from each other, but they won't be able to do that in the long run and it's also incredibly cruel to ask you to do that. Your friend should also confront her parents, tell them how they feel about you and how unfair, inhuman and medieval their reaction is.

Since children also have rights, your friend can contact the youth welfare office and seek protection from her parents in a women's shelter or youth home.

I would file a complaint against the teacher who told you about it. Your private relationships are none of his business and he has no right to interfere.

I wish you both good luck, strength and success.


Go to their parents and talk to them, give it a try. But stay with her, she needs you right now


Tricky thing! Make it clear to your Ellis that you (STILL!) Don't want sex and like each other. Then maybe they can talk their Ellis out of their worries. Of course, that means: you would have to stand for it (no sex). My view: at 15 you are old enough to be able to lead an erotic friendship. But just: talk, convince, be honest! To you and to the respective Ellis! Good luck! I raised 2 girls myself! As a father (parent) you are always worried that the child will catch a baby! You have to take that seriously and take countermeasures! And don't say "pill!" That would be wrong and negative. It works like this too!