Birthday present now or on the day (in 12 days)?


I have the following "problem": I was in town with my mother yesterday, getting some things; including my birthday present (a notebook). My mother gave me the choice, whether I want it now or only on my birthday (18.07). I know it will not be long, but I think it would be nice to use it right now…

What would you do?


Then the joy is even greater!


If you do not need it urgently, wait. Anticipation is also great.

Do you need it, e.g. For a presentation. Let it already give you now.


The warranty is already running, and there are 7 days left for DOA Dead-on-Arrival with laptops for dealers. So what should not work properly is the dealer rather after this deadline and the device may not exchange immediately.
You have chosen the device and know exactly what it is. Why wait?