Out of boredom, I spend my time too often on the notebook and am actually looking for something I can learn on the internet that offers itself meaningfully to life?


Do you have anything for me? Or should I put the notebook aside and spend my time much more with instructive books? I just do not know what to do from my spare time.


You can learn a language well over the Internet and that is a good thing where you can spend hundreds of hours.

You can also watch news, but you can learn directly on the Internet mainly if you use it to look up and not just "anything".


Well now maybe sleep first.

The question is where you want to go. According to your goals, there are different things that you can learn and these are offered on different media or use different media.

Programming learns badly without a PC, knitting but you learn neither from a book nor at the PC and in history I'm with a good history book, if necessary, better served than with Wikipedia.

Learning wildly what comes to your mind you can, of course. This does not hurt and is interesting, but does not necessarily carry you on in life.


What really brings me further in life? I start completely at 0 am 25 years old and I'm just about to find a vocational training still in vain… I have not really achieved something in my life except for a good secondary school 8 years ago and last 7 years ago a poor secondary school certificate could not Good job because I had too many problems in my private life, which meant that I could not focus on my career. Unfortunately too often my time was wasted and I'm not proud of it. Now I would like to make the best of my situation


There are numerous eLearning offerings, take a look at Udemy or the Khan Academy.

Learn a language, e.g. With Duolingo or Babbel.

Always set a realistic goal, e.g. Pass a proper exam, and then get started.

Or, if you already know a lot about a thing and have gained experience, write articles and books.


Realistic goal hmm. Well my situation and morale is somehow not so top I will soon 25 and have neither studied nor made a vocational training last I went to school 7 years ago only have a secondary school certificate and was also at the Realschule where I'm not at the end of the exams took part from private problems at home with the parents and so I had a lot of stress why I could hardly concentrate on my career then I slipped completely at some point began to get drunk me and everything and at 22 years I stopped so even with the smoke cigarettes because I wanted to try it again of new to go with an education the right way but so far nothing has come around. In addition, I moved with my mom to another city and everything is like a new start only employers would not really give me a chance I do not understand I actually make a sympathetic impression Look well maintained and attractive I'm not a very stupid guy i do not know what i should do i'm sometimes very doubtful in my life very lonely… Maybe you tell me what i could do sorry i pulled it a bit i had to get rid of that…


First of all, your education will continue.

So think about it:

What is realistic with your degree possible (ie bricklayer for example But not a banker because most of the time a student is expected and also no German studies, at least not without Massive school work)
What can you imagine working for 40+ years?
What do the training centers expect? Is something wrong with you? (Internships, certificates, …)
What has failed so far? Ggf the quality of the application documents is not good.

If you have never done it before, it might be useful to deal with job training, so building the documents but also self-presentation at the AG.

Internships would otherwise come to collect experience and if necessary to get a foot in a drive.


I would first try to develop a medium-term perspective: where do I want to be in three years? In five years? What would I be satisfied with when I look back on this period in ten years?

And then raise it from the desired end: Can I achieve this with odd jobs? Do I need a vocational training? Do I find that - if not, what's missing?

The question was aimed more at theoretical education - but maybe there's also a lack of practical experience in an area, even if it is only as a helper / trainee, to somehow convince others of your performance, that they like to train you or more highly qualified busy.

If you also build a network - then open doors that remain locked in one alone in a strange city or you would not even find.