Which studies would suit my skills / interests?


I need your help!

In fact, I (w20) graduated from high school with 2.3 in summer 2020. And I know that I would really like to study too, but I don't know what yet.

I still find it difficult to commit myself and say what I want to do all my life. I was never one of those children who knew from lower school that they wanted to become a doctor, a lawyer, a roofer etc. I would also be the first student in my family, so the whole topic is basically completely new to me (and my parents).

Somehow I still can't even judge what might suit me and my skills and interests or don't know any possibilities. Besides, I always think that my interests somehow "collide" with my abilities.

For example, I'm interested in

Film & television, acting, travel & foreign cultures (although I haven't really had the opportunity to do so because of lack of money), the psyche of people like psych. Disturbances arise etc "The human being", languages, painting / drawing (although I'm not "exceptionally" good at it), writing stories, writing in general, reading, music (but don't play an instrument or am somehow musically gifted or something), Generally creative work, fashion (even if I don't have the money for an extraordinary style), job perspective: already varied & very high income (since I grew up with less money and would just like to have it better later on)

My skills, however, are:

I can write well, am very social, very eloquent, speak English very well & would also be interested in learning other languages, am very empathetic, can "read" people well, have a good eye for decoration / design / presentation (e.g. If I have a Create a gift box), am already very organized, in what I do perfectionist and precisely ala quality instead of quantity

my problems on the other hand

I have dyscalculia (similar to LRS only with numbers) so the mathematical part of my studies shouldn't be too big, I have no idea of technology, i.e. Laptop, tablet, etc., only have a mobile phone, actually no idea of programs like Word, Microsoft Office, Java or others, as I said, don't really have money so I can only go to a university nearby (near Dortmund) because I can't move, haven't been around much in the world yet, have "bad" general knowledge (e.g. In relation to politics, Economics, geography, technology), although I generally come across as open & self-confident & with a few exceptions can also act like that, especially with strangers, I'm very insecure / fearful, don't trust myself too much, quickly doubt myself often unsure about new things, I think a lot about the future than living in the here & now, don't have much support from outside.

Do you have any ideas based on this profile?

I'm really desperate.


Linguistics, German studies, communication studies, photo engineering, media design, sociology, mobility management


A lot of spontaneous journalism. You just have to deal with word


It boils down to journalism for me at first with the option to specialize in culture including fashion later. In addition, you could get involved in a (please democratic) party, first a little, and then see whether that would also be a direction for you. Politics not as a degree, but to see whether as a "finished" journalist you can get better jobs in the media or in politics. As a journalist, you can still become a politician, even a Bundestag and more, depending on what goes better - and of course where you would like to see yourself in the future.


Free yourself of the need to carry on with what you start now until the end of your life.

Biographies look very different today than they did a few decades ago. You start with one thing and then end up somewhere else entirely.

Just make sure you finish what you are doing. Because then you have something in hand and can take the next step.

Incidentally, a lack of money does not stop you from improving your general education.

Take a look at the FH Dortmund. (I don't mean mechanical engineering, but the design department.



And yes, the general education doesn't really depend on income, but I wonder how you can best start, do you have any ideas?

And yes, it's true now, the résumé is actually not that "stiff" anymore, but I'm not getting any younger either 😅


I have already found out about it and have been my plan for a long time, but I had to find out that it does not turn out very well financially.

In rare cases you can earn almost 4000 there (e.g. As an editor) but the rule is 1200-2000 max 3000 and for that I haven't done my Abi 3 years and go to study for 3 to 3 and a half years. + I have to start this winter semester (registration for the course up to 15.07) and can't wait any longer, but I have to have completed a 6-week internship in advance for the journalism / journalism course, which is currently difficult


Can you also study communication science at public universities? I would also be extremely interested but have only found it at private universities so far


Reading a lot is always good for education.

I don't know how it is with you, with me there are great public libraries where you can get great inspiration.

Don't worry too much, just do it. Paths arise when walking.


Thanks! And libraries aren't well. About Mrs. Coroni? 😅🤷🏼♀️


The virus doesn't linger on dead objects, says Dr. Stretch.
Some libraries offer a pick-up service. But well, this coronavirus won't last forever.