Spilled water on my laptop?


I have a real problem. While my laptop was on, I spilled water on the keyboard, not a little. It then switched itself off. I dried it with a towel, took out the battery and put it the other way around on a towel to dry. I'm really scared that it is broken, but most of all that my data is gone. What can I do, will it work again, will my data still be there?


Let it dry for a few days first. But if he should have an HDD and there's water in there then it looks bad with the data. With an SSD, on the other hand, there should be a greater chance that it will still work.


OK. How do I find out what my laptop has? I don't know that much about that


Did your laptop take a lot or little time to start up?


Little is very fast


Then he probably has an ssd, hdds (often in public computers such as schools) are very slow


Oh, well then I hope that he will still go. I have to let it dry for a few days before I turn it on, right?


Yes, as is well known, water conducts well, but wire and metals should conduct in a laptop. Better to wait a little longer, better safe than sorry


Okay, thank you very much, you helped me a lot and thanks for the quick reply.


Put it on the heater for the night. Then he goes again.

The data is by no means gone. You can remove the hard drive in an emergency. But that won't be necessary


Pure water does not conduct. Conduct the minerals. One problem is that the minerals settle in the laptop and cause short circuits there.

But even tap water is just a bad conductor. Can still destroy a laptop.

Hard drives can also be saved. If one of the chips in an SSD breaks, the data is gone. With an HDD you can still save the writing and thus the data.


Okay really thanks I hope you are right


I once heard that it helps to put the device in rice and leave it in there overnight. The rice is supposed to soak up the water


What exactly happened depends on where all the water went.

Let it dry for several days and then try to start.

Your data is on the hard drive. If no water got there, your data is still there.


And in the future, strictly separate eating / drinking and surfing / gambling places.


Nonsense. Water does not harm the hard drive.


A hard drive can be defective due to a short circuit. Nobody knows exactly what happened in the device.


Yes sorry. You're right. Such a thing can happen. If this is the case and the computer does not work at all, you should ask a professional who can do the data recovery correctly, usually you can still recover it.


What I noticed is that there's an SSD installed, so with a bit of luck your data should still be there.
Would give the device more than a day to dry (more 3-4) and then try to see if it still starts. It is relatively difficult to say whether it is still possible, but it is good that it was only water, as it does not leave any residues worth mentioning.

If it doesn't work anymore, you can easily remove the SSD with instructions from google and / or youtube with the exact model of your laptop.
Normally only a few specific screws have to be loosened from the underside, which then allows a cover to be removed. Then you come to the SSD, which is probably also secured with a few screws. Then you push it in a certain direction so that it is pegged and then you can simply take it out.
On Amazon you will find an adapter with which you can connect the hard drive to another PC via USB and thereby retrieve the data on it… If the SSD is still working.

But would especially have the latter done by someone who is familiar with it. Not that you accidentally delete something. The former is basically also because it works in one.
If this data and the probably broken device are not so sacred to you, you can try it yourself, but would rather advise against it.