What to do if the laptop gets wet?


Unfortunately, half a hour ago, a hectic movement spilled a full glass of water with mineral water onto my laptop. I immediately dried everything with a towel. Possibly. Water has also run into the housing. What else can I do. Hairdryer?

So far everything still works. Laptop makes strange noises…


Do not turn on!

Hold in such a way that maximum water can drain off. Screw on and let dry. Do not lay in the sun and do not blow dry.


Better turn off the PC a day and take in the electricity and best of all the battery if possible

And put the PC in a well-ventilated place that it can dry because water can cause short circuits or corrosion

Better to wait a day and then see if it might still be wet


Do not switch on and let dry!

Leave it there for a few days and write it down if necessary…


Do not use, let it dry. If possible, unscrew it so that it dries faster, hair dryer can be helpful, but WITHOUT heating!


Switch off immediately and disconnect from the power. Then take the laptop apart and cover all the boards with e.g. Clean isopropanol. Then let everything dry and then reassemble.