Good app for recording / singing music?


Do you know a good app on the laptop where I can record my voice while playing music? So I've already tried audacity and another app, but whenever I insert the music and then want to sing with my microphone, it doesn't work. I don't know if that's because of me or the app. So if I sing without background music it works anyway and even if I only insert music and the playback works but whenever I want to do both at the same time nothing works anymore.


Audacity is the easiest to use recording program. Of course you have to deal with it. There are excellent tutorials in YT. It would be highly recommended if you would take a look at them.

Here is one of many films

the others should also be checked BEFORE the first attempts


I already mentioned that in my description. Maybe you can read them again in more detail and then give me a more helpful answer😊


You should deal with the princess program. Not everything is served ready. Have lots of fun with it


I worked on it hours ago so don't judge wtf. If you can't help me just say that 🙄


I've been recording with Cubase and audacity for years. I don't think you watched a single tutorial. Unfortunately, experimenting on your own won't help you

Here is part 2 if you understand the first one


I don't think I have a problem with audacity, but that something is wrong or something on my devices. I watched a lot of tutorials and they say "just press record and a new track will be created. Meanwhile the music will start and your voice will be recorded in the new track". OK. But when I try, it always says that there's a mistake. And as I said above, if I try to record without background music it works anyway but with murik it doesn't work