How long can I maintain a TeamViewer connection?


Because of the current risk of corona for older people, the retirement homes ask that visits be kept to the minimum necessary.

I considered putting my grandfather in the room with a laptop so that I could keep in touch with the family via Skype.

However, the operation of the laptop will probably exceed my grandfather's technical know-how.

So I would put the laptop on the power, switch off the screen saver and standby in the energy options and control the laptop via TeamViewer.

Now my question.

Can I theoretically maintain the Teamviewer connection indefinitely?


You can install it and set it up for remote access with a fixed password.

As long as the PC is on or has been turned on and TeamViewer is started in the background (default settings) and the PC is on the Internet, you can establish a connection. No problem.

A permanent connection is not necessary.


So even if the laptop goes into hibernation after a certain time, I can still "wake it up" with Team Viewer.


I have never had any time restrictions in active operation.

Can't you find out about the

And I have already found something for you -


No. As far as I don't know. You can make the Windows login yourself but not wake up. Your relatives must already be able to open the laptop.

Otherwise the system must run continuously. But with Windows 10 e.g. You have no chance there in the long run. If he wants to update he does that. (I think)


In theory, you should be able to maintain the connection indefinitely, but why should you use it?

You can also set up a fixed password with TeamViewer, so that you can access the device at any time while TeamViewer is running.
If TeamViewer is installed as a service, the program is started directly when the laptop is switched on and you can then switch on.


Super thank you.


In the past, Teamviewer had at least no time limit in the free private version… I have already operated over 1 1 / 2h of remote maintenance in one piece… But AnyDesk is often recommended… Basically the same. Can also be used privately free of charge…


He'll be fine, thanks.


Incidentally, it can happen that the TeamViewer automatic system wrongly classifies you as a business partner if the connection is established frequently. Then it looks bad at first. Then you will be asked to pay, which means that you should buy a version for companies. You then have to contact TeamViewer and explain briefly what the situation is and then you will be unlocked again. That was just for info. For me it took a very long time to conclude from my usage behavior.




With pleasure ;-)


I would use VNC or RDP instead of TeamViewer. Is much easier to configure and much more reliable.