Control computers with Teamviewer?


Because of my master's thesis, I'm to control the computer at the university from home using the Teamviewer program with my laptop. For this I have to go to the university and set up the connection between my laptop, which I take with me, and the university computer.

My question about this: I will leave the Wi-Fi area of the university after setting up. So my laptop, which is supposed to control the PC at the university, loses the internet connection. Does the Teamviewer connection still work with the WLAN after establishing a new internet connection on my laptop at home?

How long can there be a controlling connection via the Team Viewer, or will the connection be cut again after a certain period of time?

Many thanks for your help!

Good health to you out there!


The Teamviewer client connects itself independently to the manufacturer's servers and as long as the computer you want to control can communicate with the Internet and is configured accordingly, you can dial in from outside.

You → Server → Server → Client

You can find out the rest yourself by simply trying it out - there will be more than just a laptop / PC at home, right? X]


Thanks for the information. No, I only have one computer. My parents kicked the old one out to save space. I could have used the hard drive now for data storage. And they actually don't have a computer themselves. Unfortunately, the two of them don't have the media. Even a cell phone is a foreign word for the two.


Ah yes. XD Yes, I know the problem, I know some people of this kind.