Blue stacks: wrong time?


I'm studying computer science and I'm in the home office this semester, just like many other students and professionals at the moment.

Since this means that I don't go out as often and as long as I used to, I don't need a smartphone at the moment - I still have my old Nokia with AA batteries when on the go, and I use Blue Stacks on my laptop for WhatsApp.

This also works quite well, but the wrong time often appears for incoming messages - mostly in the future. This does not happen for messages that I write myself. The time of the incoming messages is sometimes correct, sometimes about 45 minutes ahead, sometimes more than 1 hour ahead.

It is unlikely to have anything to do with time zones or summer time, as the time does not deviate from the actual time by exactly one hour.

Does anyone know about blue stacks and why the clock sometimes spins and how to fix the problem if necessary?


I don't know a solution for Blue Stacks, but how about the Opera browser?

For example, The What's App web function.

Or telegram that is available as a PC application


Does it work?

WhatsApp Web, as you normally know it, only works with a mobile phone. I can then type on the PC and also read messages, but if the cell phone is not in the same WLAN, WhatsApp Web doesn't send or receive anything.

Switching all my friends and university contacts to Telegram could be difficult.


So whether that works if the cell phone has no reception, I can just test it ^^

I would, however, warmly recommend telegram to you.


I think Telegram is safer or something.

What happened to the WhatsApp vs BlackBerry patent litigation?


Ah okay, it actually doesn't work if the cell phone is not connected.

Regarding the patent dispute, unfortunately I don't know anything, I ignored that.

"I think Telegram is safer or something."

This is correct and it has other advantages, such as post-processing of messages and of course that you don't have to exchange numbers.


You can download the WhatsApp app for Mac and Windows. Alternatively, via WhatsApp Web.

With BlueStacks you always have to make sure that you not only set the time correctly in Android, but also in the BlueStacks settings yourself.