Wipe test at the airport directly?


We had a rather strange experience recently.

Some time ago I took my mother to the airport in Amsterdam. While waiting in line at the check-in desk, an airport employee (or security staff) came to her and asked her in great detail about her trip. Suddenly, without notice, she then wiped an item on my mother's sleeve and left without comment. We were pretty scared. After that she came back and asked some general questions and my mother could give up her luggage as normal. We did not get an explanation.

Of course, I'm aware of it and I think it's right that there are controls at airports and you may also get asked questions, so everything is reasonable. I also had to do a wipe test, but only on my laptop and it was also said and took place in the normal security check.

In this case I also found the behavior of the employee very disrespectful and inappropriate, because she was also quite rude to us. We had nothing to hide and if you had asked us, we would also like a wipe test or a control.

My question is therefore whether something is now normal or if someone had similar experiences.


You should ALWAYS complain about the unfriendly behavior of the employee, because that's not alright!

The wipe test usually checks for traces of explosives. Who knows, maybe there were traces of New Year's Eve punk somewhere on your things, because you like them. Transported in the same bag or something.


Where did you want to go?


To the USA (I know that sometimes they are a bit stricter, especially when entering Germany). However, the whole thing happened before the baggage claim and we stood there only in the queue. In the US, contrary to expectations, there was only positive experience in the controls.


That was in the middle of December and the whole thing took place in the check-in area before the normal control. Somehow weird the whole thing.


How now, before the security check? Well. Were there "traces of explosives" on the jacket, i. Did she ever experience fireworks? That could explain the behavior.


This is common on flights to the US, but usually the 'interrogators' are very polite.


So we had nothing to do with firecrackers during the days. The test was probably anyway negative, we were not even cleared what was ever checked and why at all.


I had already suspected that.

I flew recently from AMS to the United States. Meanwhile, there's a short conversation before baggage claim.

At one of my employees an employee briefly looked at the pass, asked where we were from, where we were flying, how many pieces of luggage we have and how long and where we stay / stay in the USA. The man was very friendly and could even speak German:-)


A brief questionnaire on baggage claiming flights to the US has recently been introduced. So everything has its right ;-)


In principle, that was exactly the same with us and I think that's fine, too. Only the behavior of the lady opposite us, I found very questionable and that you just a clumsy touches and herumrumwischt on the clothes.