Is he fired because of me?


Following situation.

My partner broke up with me after several years of being on the phone. The weekend before I was still visiting him.

He lives in a shared apartment of 3.

Two days later, his roommate was informed via the tracking corona app that she had to go into quarantine for 10 days because several people had been infected with the virus on the weekend she was celebrating

She did not feel like taking a test and my ex-partner was annoyed and just had no desire since this was the second time

When I then had the test done as a precaution (since he and I got close too) he wanted to know the result from me

Then suggested to take over the costs

Otherwise he ignored me and was already enjoying the next one. Birded her too

I was still totally injured and sought distraction from a good friend

He then wrote to me one evening when he was with his new flame that he absolutely needed the test.

I was with a friend of mine at the time

Simply because I was extremely lovesick and needed a distraction

My ex then put me under a little pressure because he wanted to pass on the test that evening

I didn't want to do it until the next morning shortly before university because I didn't have my laptop with me

Despite his actions, I wanted to help him somehow and my buddy said to me that he still had a negative rapid test with him

I trusted his words and since the personal information was censored, I sent my ex this test for the time being

But my ex already said there that too little information was available

I should send him the test again the next morning.

I did that too

At the beginning, his employees said that a test from his partner would be sufficient

Two days after he submitted my tests, his boss said that he couldn't do anything with third-party tests.

In the end, he had to take the test himself.

I told him at the beginning that it wouldn't make sense to take my test.

I didn't even see his roommate that weekend. There he said, however, that this would be okay and blah blah blah

Apparently not then.

A good week later he also submitted his test

When he saw his boss again today, however, it escalated

They already had him on the table anyway

He was also bullied at work and had wanted to change jobs for a long time

Then they confronted him today with the fact that my buddy's test was a fake from the internet (which he also kidnapped me with)

And unfortunately my test was the earlier one and didn't match the week of his absent days

Unfortunately, I only noticed afterwards that I accidentally sent the older test from me

Is he fired because of me

The answer is obvious. Themselves to blame.

Tell him to tighten up. If he had planned to change for a long time and he knew that the boss already had him on the screen, then probably nobody would have been that stupid and pushes such faxes. Exception: it is lost. So: From his point of view you could have reacted "better", but he is to blame - guaranteed.


PS: Omg. My German is bad differently. Bedtime.


He just thinks that I had fooled him, which was never my intention.

And I wasn't allowed to explain myself anymore.

He said that this action was unforgivable and that I'm anti-social


Ookay… He breaks up with you badly, then he asks you for help with something that can be very expensive for you when it comes out, you leave everything and still help him, he is too stupid to even look at what he is sent… In addition, it was his idea, his deed, his laziness, his previous behavior in the company, why he was fired.

Report him to the police for threats or simply break off contact consistently. And maybe you should seek psychological support if you are so obedient to him.


I would break off contact with this ex!

The test is free in case of suspicion… The Honk simply didn't feel like bothering about it!

I contacted 116117 about cold symptoms. A doctor on call came by to take the smear and I was in quarantine until the result. During the test, you get a slip of paper with a QR code (individual code), which you scan with the Corona warning app. And the result is then sent via the app.

This is what it looks like (this is my test from October 29th)

If your ex is terminated now, that's perfectly fine. He tried to cheat with data that is not his. It's not your fault, it's just him!

If he's bothering you again, tell him exactly this:

I don't owe YOU anything.
The call to 116117 and the test only cost a little time, but no money.
If YOU knowingly violate your employment contract obligations, this is NOT MY PROBLEM.
Do you seriously think I'm sending you personal information about me?
From now on I don't want to hear or read anything from you.

And then block him on all channels and erase the guy from your mind. Make sure you finally get rid of him mentally!


Tick off your ex. Just block it. You have nothing more to do with him and that he tells you that it is your fault that he loses his job is complete nonsense.


He screwed it all up himself, it's not your fault that he's a stupid. Is!

He not only refuses to adhere to the rule but also gives his boss a false test! So he tries to cheat on him too!

He refuses to take the blame for what he does on himself!

Since he also threatens you, it would be great not to show up there alone tomorrow! -And whoever he threatens to call the police!

It is not worth it that he has a partner!