Technical devices customs?


I'm flying in the world in January and take my drone and laptop with me. Both of great value. Do I have to pay attention to anything that concerns customs? Have the receipts still at home.


I would recommend packing copies of the receipts in your luggage to prove that you had the items in your possession before the trip. The drone also includes your address label.

In addition, maybe even take a photo of the devices clearly in your place, then the customs can hardly say that you had bought that on the way.


Notebook is i.d.R. No problem with customs. They immediately see this on the German keyboard. A copy of the receipt is still very useful.


Take copies of the receipts and best photographed with a dog.

Before you can make smart, if you are allowed to introduce something in your traveled countries at all - otherwise the cashed and get a penalty or go to jail.

And that keeps changing, so stay up to date!