How much Customs for Technical Analysis (Securities)?


I'd like to do some technical analysis of certain stock quotes etc. On the laptop.

I plan to buy a laptop soon because of the anaylse. I do not have to do it on the phone (phone display too small and so). So I decided to buy a laptop.

Of course, the agony of choice is especially great. Does anyone know about the technical analysis and how many inches should be at least the display to take all the important information?


I would recommend you a 17 inch monitor, because then you have a pretty good overview of all stocks and also you can show great tables on it like for example the here:



This is a very good and targeted answer without unnecessary questions like "how much RAM should he have?" or "how much should he cost max?"


To show a graph like this, the notebook does not have to meet any major requirements. I would trptzdem spend 600 euro for it, just to give a reserve. So an i5 CPU with 8 GB of RAM and an SSD. You can get this cheap at