Computer without virus protection?


Hey Please don't laugh at me, but I hardly know anything about computers, so please don't judge me. I have a new notebook and am currently setting it up. So far there's almost nothing on it, just my Microsoft account that I created. I have no idea what it takes to be safe online. I know that no matter what you do you are never 100% sure blah blah blah but I just don't get a violent virus or anything. I keep hearing about antivirus scanners, do they bring anything at all, especially if free? I have to crack After Effects and all plugins, will I get a virus if I download it now? Can you give me a few tips on what I need to have basic security online and what I need to consider?


You already have Windows Defender on your computer, which helps you against most things well enough. Please don't download a free anti virus program, things are usually worse than actually having a virus


Google times under


There's a free antivirus program. If you want a more secure version, you can also buy an expanded version.

I wouldn't have the whole thing installed myself, but by someone who understands something about it.


In my opinion, cracking is not compatible with a secure system. It is quite possible that illegally acquired software is infected.


Buying does not work, they both use the same databases.


You don't really need anything else. Antivirus programs are not criticized for nothing because they are often a huge security hole. Current virus signatures are much more important than a reasonable program.

I recommend you to install umatrix for Chrome or Noscript for Firefox (best watch youtube video on how to configure it) then you are in front of almost all viruses, Trojans etc. Protected.

For a short explanation these programs allow you to restrict the functions of websites e.g. The fact that you can't run javascript significantly reduces accidental virus infection because no functions are started until you give your okey.


If you basically want to be safe online, you should let go of the cracked things. I would keep my hands off something like that and not to mention the viruses, because something like that is not legal.

You can use Avira as a free virus program. Avira also has a paid version, but you don't actually need it. If you only want to protect yourself against viruses, the free version is sufficient. As far as I know, the free and the paid ones use the same database of virus damage code and would therefore find the same viruses because they compare the codes from the same source.

But if you download cracked programs etc. And there's a reasonably disguised virus inside, even the best virus program won't do you any good. So it's best to avoid such things. I would also stay away from dubious websites.