Regarding network bridge Windows 10?


Following situation. My office is in the basement. Wi-Fi reception is zero. Therefore, a USB cable from the basement window with a USB wlan stick is directly on the wall where the router is in the house. Connection is very good (200mbits). I use 2 laptops in the basement. Up until now I've always made a hotspot for laptop B on laptop A (with the extended stick). Unfortunately then only 6mbits arrive.

Then wanted to create a network bridge via LAN cable.

Unfortunately, the internet is gone on both laptops. Are there any problems if you want to create a network bridge and the wlan signal comes to laptop A via a stick and not via the Wi-Fi card in the laptop itself?

Can anyone help me?


That shouldn't matter.

How did you create this bridge? Via the menu item "Bridge connections"?

Or via the properties of the WLAN connection under "Share" and then "Allow other users in the network to use this computer connection as an Internet connection"?


The network adapter with the stick is called "Wlan2". The "Enable" setting does not even exist for this adapter.

I marked both adapters and then right-clicked to create the bridge.


Such a bridge often does not work with WLAN. It is better to release the connection.

But it's strange that you don't have the share option.

You could reset the network on both laptops in the Windows settings under "Network and Internet". You may have to reinstall the wireless driver afterwards.

What does the command "ipconfig / all" show on both laptops?