Do you know arguments for a gaming PC?

- in Gaming

I want to build my own PC soon. That would be my first and after days of searching for components and collecting information, I dare to.

At the moment I'm always playing on a "gaming" laptop. Example GTA Online (on lowest settings). The first half hour runs at approx. 40-50 FPS. Although this is not outstanding, it is still possible. After that I always have frame drops up to 3 FPS. Gaming is no longer fun.

Now I decided that I would like to build a PC. (It would always deliver over 100 FPS).

My laptop is only 2 years old and actually not broken or anything like that. (I don't want to sell it).

So what can I say to my parents why I build a PC. I just got the idea: more performance. Do you know any other arguments? Btw I'm 16


Are you not allowed to work on the side at 16? Earn your own money and save for it, then it will work!


There are no good arguments for parents on this topic. Especially when they never really had a lot to do with computers.

But it's bigger, so you get more power for less money (compared to laptops).
Desktop PCs can also be retrofitted and repaired more easily than a laptop.

And as a rule, cooling works better with a PC, so they are cooler and quieter than laptops.


Yes, I had been doing that since May. Because of Corona this had to be postponed. But I've already saved something.


Tell the leptop give up its spirit you need one for your school you have projects


How much?


Thanks, but how do I best sell this to my parents now?


Please leave my first sentence…

They either understand the arguments or they don't understand them.
Mine never understood the arguments and I therefore had one or two arguments.

So far I've always done what I want…
It's my money and I never let school go.


Who would pay for the calculator?
How much would the calculator cost / what do you mean by "gaming"?


Just tell your parents that the laptop is slowly giving up and you need something new


I would pay it in full (about 1400 euro). By gaming I mean e.g. Ryzen 5 3600 with a RX 5700 XT