XI can't handle money?

- in Gaming

Hello as the title says I can't handle money. I saved 1000 euro before the training and then I somehow had a compulsion to spend the money. I then bought a gaming PC for 1000 euro although I use it as good as. Or I have already bought a Samsung watch for a lot of money and then sold again cheaper because I did not like it at all and I had this compulsion to spend money. I could tell you so many stories. I also do not just put it down 100 euro a month. Of course, I have little education content and compulsory expenses such as car, gasoline but I also spend a lot of unnecessary so I could easily put away 100 euro a month. Do you have any tips how to keep me under control? The one with the 1000 euro has hurt me in retrospect because I squeezed like never on pc. A laptop for 300 euro would have been enough.


I would give you 25 euro for the PC. I do not have any more. But I want to have a PC.


I also had that for a while sometimes, that I sometimes bought expensive things that I did not really need and in retrospect I was sorry to have spent so much money. Mostly for things that I hardly used like you.

I was wondering why I do that? I realized that such purchases were a way to reward me. I was very involved in my professional life, my private life was a bit short and then I compensated a bit.

That gave me a good feeling that I could afford something. Unfortunately, the good feeling was always very short-term. When I had seen through the mechanism and then I saw it, then I have such purchases also left.

I realized that I can also reward myself differently. For example, with high quality leisure. A nice outing or a barbecue with friends is a lot more fulfilling for me than the latest technical bells and whistles or an expensive watch that you might wear 5 times a year. And significantly cheaper.


Thank you for your answer. I hope you are in control by now. I'm trying to save again, hopefully with success. You only need the will.


I do not have a problem anymore. I think that once you understand why you do that, then you can control it. I wish you every success. Do not give up, that works!


Maybe you let someone else manage your money for sometime and allocate it if necessary.