Desk for gaming and working?

- in Gaming

I'll get a new apartment in a month and want to get a new desk. My two monitors and computer equipment will be on this, and maybe a laptop as well. My place (see sketch) would speak for a corner desk, but I don't know if it's good. What would you do? Where to put the PC by a corner desk and where else? Generally which one you would take there (have no idea). Or would you take a normal one? How so?


I had the problem that I can't get 2 screens side by side on a corner desk. But it was also because I wanted the PC on the table. Unfortunately, there are hardly any ideal dimensions for corner desks for gamers. I therefore decided on a dining table because it offers a lot of space and the enormous depth means there's still space in front of the screen and the keyboard.


A desk for a computer, etc. You can build it yourself just fine.

Cut-to-size panels are available in hardware stores. I even cut mine from a bedroom closet. In addition a box of spax screws 5cm long and retractable. Pre-drill holes (3mm). The best YOU decide how big the table will be.

You should estimate the working height at 75cm. Length times width is your beer, I made it 70cm deep and 135 long. In the end it looks like this (without the double plate above, you only need one). You see, it consists of only 4 boards.

The fourth, the traverse under the cover plate is a little shorter. With the traverse you connect the two side walls with SPax screws. Then the plate comes on top and it is connected with 2 angles and short screws. All right

Desk for gaming and working

Here you can see my self-made. 1 hour of work. He's 20 years old and messed up, just so you know where the wind is blowing from.

Desk for gaming and working - 1

I'm not a fan of corner workplaces because it is basically a waste of space.

In the corner

there's a lot of dead space
the screens "across the corner" have unfavorable viewing angles and reflection values,
freedom of movement is limited,
unfriendly to clean

A straight table with sufficient table depth in the format 160x100cm would be better.

If necessary, a narrow sideboard or shelf can be placed on the left side of the wall.

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