Computer CPU eater windows error (windows 10)?

- in Gaming

So my problem: I have a "gaming" laptop with a i5 processor and a 1050ti with the games like rainbow six victories loose to 60-90fps should. But I gamble on 30-60 fps and have noticed that the CPU percentage values are not correct .rainbow consumes 50% CPU with me then come to programs such as discord, etc all to the total of 10% consume. There you are at 60 percent but my task manager shows me how busy the CPU is 100% which is 40% too much. Have not found a solution yet.


Surely you can make some screenshot / show where you can see which process consumes how much, right?


"Gaming" notebook joa.

Temperature Check of processor and graphics after gambling. Either with HardwareInfo the Max temperature or with MSI Afterburner the history
Improve cooling. Do not place on fabric, lift notebook behind eg. With a book, so that more air comes from below
Make sure the power is connected with faster
exactly 30 or 60? Then VSync is on.
The Task Manager is inaccurate because you have multiple CPU cores


So 4x 2.66 GHz cpu is not very good


Tell me which i5 cpu mesnschhh…


"Gaming" notebook joa.

Alone for that you get from me a positive rating xD


In a notebook, a reasonably current 7000er or 8000er if a 1050ti is installed. If I may advise, at least.


No it varies with the book I'll try it thanks.


Ok that is still not exactly


Just make sure that the vents remain free
