Graphics cards are shut down due to an error. How to fix


My computer switches off the graphics card because there's supposedly an error. However, the AMD software says that there's no error and that all I have to do is install a driver to use the software. I have a laptop with the graphics units shown in the picture. How can I fix the problem?


Graphics cards are shut down due to an error. How to fix Graphics cards are shut down due to an error. How to fix - 1 Graphics cards are shut down due to an error. How to fix - 2

Looks like a notebook (name of the graphics card).

does your notebook have support for the installed Windows from the device manufacturer?
did you download and install the driver there?

I know such "errors" from my work at the last AG (notebook service over 10 years) if the device is not officially supported for the system by the device manufacturer (HP, Acer, ASUS, MSI whatever).



Be sure to use the driver from the manufacturer of the notebook. These are mostly customized drivers for this notebook.


The best thing to do is go to the website of the laptop manufacturer. There you look for your model. There you download the appropriate software and drivers for your laptop, possibly even a driver package. At least you can't go wrong with that.


Uninstall the old driver in the device manager, restart the PC, search for and install a new driver at, restart the PC.

That should work in most cases.


2 options in my opinion a driver update if possible or a downgrade to the driver that worked last.


I did, but it still doesn't work


I know it sounds stupid, but have you also entered the correct laptop and downloaded the appropriate drivers for your operating system? So e.g. For windows 10 (64bit)? It quickly happens that you accidentally install drivers for e.g. Download a 32bit system and then wonder.

Did you really install the drivers correctly and then restart them?

Maybe not with you drivers for the graphics card installed, but sometimes for the CPU?

And most importantly, uninstalled the old ones first?