New graphics card with Intel Core i7 3770 / Medion h77h2-en morherboard / fsp Group Atx power supply with 450W and 12GB of RAM?

- in Gaming

Hi, I would like to get a new graphics card, because I currently have a NVIDIA GeForce gt 640 installed and thus do not run just a lot of games and those who do it mostly not liquid. I would like to play games like Ark Survival Evolved or Call of Duty Black Ops 4. Can anyone recommend a graphics card that is compatible with my components and with which you can play the above games fluently and with good graphics. My price index is around 150 euro. I simply googled NVIDIA and found this graphics card here:

What difference does she have to this one here:

Because the price is so far apart.

Is the video card good? Gladly other suggestions for good graphics cards!


The GTX1060 is okay. But the rest of your system will slow you down. Buy a new system.


Ok and if there's also a card that is not slowed down but the games still run smoothly and with good graphics? And is the graphics card of which I wrote the link the same as this one here:

Because the price is very different.