What makes the most sense (computer purchase)?

- in Gaming

First of all about my situation. I have a laptop. I still live with my parents, but plan to move out next year or at the end of this year. It works and is sufficient for surfing, writing docs, emails, etc. Completely.

However, it often gets stuck with games (very small games such as League of Legens on low graphics settings, nothing complex) and graphics programs (digital drawing, editing videos). And it has the CPU full very quickly and is then very slow. But it works in and of itself, just sometimes with annoying hiccups and poor graphics.

I would now like to buy myself a gaming laptop (not a super monstrous one, just the things mentioned above that my current one should fulfill without hanging too much). Now the question surely comes up, why not a PC? I currently don't have a desk in my room because I never used my old one and replaced it with shelves five years ago. A desk, because I want to move soon anyway, is not worth it for a year. Besides, there's no space here in the room anyway.

Now I wonder what makes more sense. Because I would like to be able to play more and better graphics make for a better digital drawing experience. On the other hand, I don't want to have two laptops unnecessarily. Of course, I could wait until the move in a year or two (I'm still an apprentice). If I buy a laptop now, I would of course take it with me to the new apartment

I'm happy to hear your advice. Please give reasons.


It doesn't make most sense to keep consuming new electronics like crazy because it is a very unsustainable behavior.


Stand computer is simply better for gaming.


I also ask the question because I don't actually need two functioning devices. But my demands have increased over time. I've had the old laptop for 3 years, it's a rather cheap device, which was also my fault. That's why I want a good device that I can use for a long time and a lot for different things. Wouldn't call that crazy.


You can always expand the tower as you wish and, above all, plan it in your budget. For example, if you need to ram more in the next few years, you can simply buy it and pocket it.

With many laptops these days you don't even have the option of changing the battery. Of course not for all, but the trend is moving in the direction of producing "one-time" devices.

It's actually up to you and what's best for you:

Tower: - cheaper and more powerful

-easy to upgrade

-Budget easy to plan

-takes up space

-No "comfort factor" like with a laptop

Laptop: -very convenient

- more expensive and poorer computing power

- Will probably be out of date in 2 years (same problem as now?)

-upgrade only possible to a limited extent (possibly a little more ram if the manufacturer allows it)


"How crazy to always consume new electronics"

LOL has low system requirements, if a laptop can't do that it won't be good hardware wise.

I rather understand it as "consuming new electronics" when someone buys the latest graphics card unnecessarily, for example.

It's like the old television set can't receive any channels. If a (gaming) laptop no longer serves its purpose properly, then in my opinion it is okay to buy a new one.

I think it's idiotic when people keep buying new clothes when they don't need them, or when people keep buying new electronic devices when they still work perfectly as they should.


The prices are currently excessive, if you then study, you may need the money for other things. 2 # .perhaps by then something better will come in terms of hardware, the market is constantly changing. A lot can happen in 1 year, in terms of chips, RAM, CPU. DDR6 is already available for graphics, is it still available as RAM?