Can I easily play Sims 4 on this laptop?

- in Gaming
Can I easily play Sims 4 on this laptop

I'm afraid that this laptop (a Fujitsu Lifebook T-902) is not powerful enough to play Sims 4 on it. As far as I know, I have no special graphics cards or anything and is actually not intended for games, so this is not a gaming laptop. Who can tell me whether I can still play Sims 4 on it without any problems.

PS: I play without any mods or packs.


I found the device with "3MB Ram"? If that is true, then he won't be able to do it.


Even without mods and CCs, this is no fun.

This is due to the really bad Intel iGPU (graphics chip) which also has really bad driver software.

It would run, I wouldn't do that to myself.


3MB Ram I think you are confusing something


I hope that too xD


Send Link xD


Back then I played on a notebook with a similar hardware Sims 3 and that was borderline in terms of performance. Sims 4 will probably not run at all.


Thanks for the answer, you're right, but I wouldn't call it that bad. In the beginning it was a bit stuck, but now it runs like clockwork.


Thanks for the answer, it's working. In the beginning it was a bit stuck, but now it runs like clockwork.


Thanks for the answer, it's working. In the beginning it was a bit stuck, but now it runs like clockwork.


This is nice if you are satisfied. Also, the resolution of only 900p should make a small contribution that it is sufficient for you. I wish you continued fun with SIMS 4.

Will take your statement into account the next time you answer questions about SIMS 4.


As long as it is "playable" for you, perfect.