Notebook for Football Manager 20?


I'm looking for a suitable notebook for Football Manager 2020 and of course the following parts of the spin-off.

System requirements:

I would like to play the game smoothly in the 3D game and especially without a long wait in the weekly simulation. I would also like to play with a large database, ideally all top leagues and all other interesting leagues.

Other uses apart from playing Football Manager would only be general surfing and editing Word documents.

The budget is not limited for the time being.

Unfortunately I have no idea about notebooks, so I turn to you and thank you in advance for your help.


The budget is not limited?

Then just look for the most expensive one and you will be able to start a lot.

Or. You were ripped off


Thanks for this extremely helpful answer.


No plan, no help


Of course I have no plan, otherwise I would not ask for help.

Budget is not limited, it was rather related to the fact that I just don't have a plan where to move there in terms of money. Simple suggestions, maybe with different price ranges and advantages or disadvantages would be enough for me.


Okay, I don't want to be like that.

With 1000 euro you are already well off


Thank you in advance for that, now I have at least one direction where I can orient myself! Is there a notebook you could recommend? Because there are tens of thousands of different manufacturers and component combinations, it is not easy for a layperson to look through. And do not want to rely on profit-oriented employees of large chains, only bad experiences with.


I'm a budget person when it comes to laptops.
I have my Monster PC at home and I can do what I need ^^

I have a 140 euro laptop. I can't play anything on it, but it's enough for me.


Oh yes, for a tower, if you still call it that today I unfortunately have no more space ^^

but thanks anyway.


If you want to be mobile with a PC, a laptop is good, but expensive

Otherwise it is always much cheaper to have a "tower".

And space. Is not an argument. This is not a closet!