Tax return as a dual student?


I was encouraged to make a tax declaration.

The facts:

- I'm a dual student

- Tax class 1

- 725 euro / month (gross) plus commission between 150-400 euro / month (gross)

- 30 km drive to work

- 80 km journey to the university

- Spending on laptop and books 2020: 1500 euro

- Trainer in the football club (as a reward there's a donation receipt of over 2000 euro)

- part-time job (250 euro / month)

The question would be:

why should I make a tax declaration? I do not pay any taxes (wage taxes, etc.) to my knowledge, but only social insurance / health insurance.

However, a fellow student told me that she got money back because she has a long journey like me.

Maybe someone can explain to me why I should file a tax return or what advantages I have from it.


Maybe she gets more gross than you were withheld from wages tax? Take a close look at your statements to make sure that only social security contributions and no taxes have been paid

If no income tax has been paid, none can be reimbursed. A tax return only makes sense if the total advertising costs are above gross wages. Then you can carry this loss forward and, if necessary, use it when you are finished with the apprenticeship and you have earned it properly



However, a fellow student told me that she got money back because she has a long journey like me.

Then she probably earned more than you and paid income tax.

Maybe someone can explain to me why I should file a tax return

If your advertising costs are higher than your income, then there's a so-called loss carryforward.

In the case of a dual study program, the advertising costs also include the costs of the study.