Laptop switches itself off after a short period of use. Is it broken?


A friend of mine has a (quite old) laptop (approx. 6-7 years) that has been going off all the time recently. What I mean by that is that she is using the device and about 5-10 minutes after switching on the laptop switches itself off.

That doesn't happen every time she turns on the device, but it has happened several times. I don't know whether that depends on how long it is used because there have recently been cases where the device has not switched off after prolonged use, but also cases where it switches off 5-6 times (and then you switch the laptop on again got to).

the laptop is also only used for surfing the Internet and for MS Office, no heavy games are played.

Does this have anything to do with the cooling system and does the laptop just need to be cleaned or does she just need a new laptop?

(of course the device is already old and has to be replaced at some point anyway, but that's not the issue now)


Reinstall Windows or Linux.


Look at the CPU temperature. If a CPU gets too hot, the PC simply switches off. How old is the laptop? (The fan was cleaned in the meantime).


The laptop was bought in 2013-2014, a professional cleaning was carried out the year before last

where can I find the CPU temperature? In the system settings?


Windows itself can't read out and display the temperature. Have a look on the internet for Hwmonitor. The program shows you the CPU temperature.