What can that be (paranormal)?


So this is what happened:

The whole thing happened at night. My family and I were lying in bed and at some point there were noises from the living room, such noises as if someone were there and rioting there. My sister went there was nobody. My mother, my father and I heard that too. My parents thought that it might be me because I'll be the last to go to sleep, but it wasn't me. I was in my room the whole time and was on the laptop. Now when I wanted to go to sleep I also heard a voice that said hello and that was clear and precise and that was a female voice. My sister also told me that she also heard a voice but didn't understand what she was saying.

We always locked the apartment door at night and we live very high up in a skyscraper, so it can't be animals because there have never been any cases, even in the past, and almost only senior citizens live in the house and they usually sleep at 8 p.m.

And I'm an honest person. With things like that, I don't see any point in lying.


Sounds like ghosts visiting you at first. I don't believe in ghosts and poltergeists, but I can't think of any other explanation. 0-0

Or it was a TV from neighbors or from the street and it just sounded like it came from inside. I don't know


I was on the balcony because everything was quiet outside


Uuhm, yes then 0-0 If that continues to happen then I would have to worry;, D


Surely it was just an apartment neighbor among you.

When everything is quiet in your own apartment, you will of course hear such noises more clearly than before.


That wasn't a neighbor, I asked the neighbors, they slept


In any case, there's much more evidence of ghosts and spooks than some imagine, but the academic ivory tower ignores it. In the United States, there are even public relations police officers who specialize in the release of paranormal case files.

Therefore, I would like to recommend the Mythen-Metzger to you, who quotes directly from the primary sources in his videos: Above all, the first and third police reports are difficult or impossible to explain psychiatrically:

Here is another example from Yosemite National Park, from which reports of shadowy beings are repeatedly recorded in a very special area and this even from many different independent witnesses, who often have never heard of them themselves:

And things like that are not as rare as some beliefs. According to current research, around 10% of the population have had a clear ghost sighting as you described it.

And this seems to be a cross-cultural effect as well. Because at the end of the 19th century there was a similar parapsychological survey with exactly the same results of 10%.

Statistically, only 1% of the population suffer from a so-called psychosis, so that in 90% of cases such ghost sightings can be classified as non-pathological and therefore harmless.


Is it actually true that cold in a certain room is an indication of spook or a ghost?

I experienced something last year that I suspect was actually paranormal. The cold wasn't the only thing I experienced, but I heard it was an indication of a ghost in the house. Is it true that cold in a room indicates a ghost?


This really seems to be the case in my opinion, although I have not yet experienced any sudden drops in temperature in my own paranormal experiences myself.

Here is a report about the Hürtgen Forest and the paranormal incidents in this area, in which a hiker also experienced a sharp drop in temperature in the summer:


I can recommend you a little scientific explanatory video that looks at everything from the skeptic's point of view, but describes the whole thing correctly


Thanks. We once had a discussion about reincarnation. However, I'm not really a skeptic. I didn't find anything about Lan Stevenson at GWUP. At the GWUP, however, there are some articles about Walter von Lucadou. However, I hardly dealt with Walter von Lucadou. I've already dealt with Lan Stevenson a bit and for the next few days I will continue to deal with reincarnation and the cases of Lan Stevenson, because it is actually the strongest indication of the existence of reincarnation.

To go into the case in detail:

Last year, in March, I was in Denmark with my parents. We stayed in a vacation home. We're often in Denmark during the holidays, but we have never seen anything like this in a holiday home. My mother and I noticed on the first day that someone kept knocking on the door. However, nobody was there. My father doesn't believe in ghosts, so he put the knocking directly on the wind. However, my mother has already experienced a lot of paranormal things and also told me about her experiences from her childhood. So she was very sure that it was a ghost. I couldn't explain to myself what was happening either. It was certainly not triggered by the wind. It was like a ghost knocking on our window. Whenever we were in the bathroom, it suddenly got very cold. To have. There was one more bedroom that nobody slept in. There was this cold there too. After the first night my mother told me that during the night she saw that someone kept turning the light off and on and going to the toilet. She thought it was me But when I told her it wasn't me, she said there was a ghost in the house. She said that before the night because of the knocking and she noticed the cold immediately. She also told me that she told my father that night that someone kept turning the lights off and on. But since my father doesn't believe in ghosts, he told her that she was exaggerating. During the holidays, a friend of my father's visited us for a few nights with his wife. My father's friend's wife is a smoker. She didn't even dare to leave the house from a certain side as she said she found this place scary, even though we didn't even tell her we believed there was a ghost here. So she knew that something creepy existed in a certain part of the house without our telling her.

I never forget what happened in this vacation home.

My mother also keeps telling me about the paranormal phenomena that she and her siblings experienced as children.

I can't explain what happened in this vacation home and I actually think it was a ghost.

So was it really a ghost? Does the description fit?

I'm actually pretty sure it was a ghost. Are they not called "unredeemed souls?"

I have heard many times that spirits who remain in certain places on earth are referred to as unresolved souls.


I'm a demonologist

Since I'm not there, I can't exactly say whether it is a paranormal case or whether there's a natural reason. I would watch it for a period of time. Should it become unbearable, I would have the apartment blessed. A priest should be consulted if injured.