Laptop, but cheap for studying?


Does anyone know about laptops that are cheap and good, but also best laptops that are not that big

Would be very grateful for recommendations


More information is missing:

What do you mean by "not that big"?
What budget is available
For which area of activity do you want to use the device?


And again. More requirements

You have to get more specific!

Max. Price? Do you need performance Do you want to take notes using the touchscreen and pen?

No info, no help


Yes priced around 200-300

I just need one for my studies and I don't know anything about it because I've never had one




It should fit in a backpack and it would be priced at 200-300 and I need it for my studies


Oh dear. What do you imagine at 200-300 euro?

It won't be great.

Good only starts at ~ 500 euro


"For every budget"

The cheapest is at 800 euro.

Very confusing site that does not show a price directly there and pushes everything to Amazon Affiliate. It's great that the site earns a lot from it!


Is buying a used item (in very good condition, from a commercial seller) an option for you? You don't want a new device up to 300 euro.


Yes, unfortunately… It might make sense to save a bit first, but thanks


Yes, you have already written that you need it for your studies.

Only: thanks to CAD, a mechanical engineering student needs more performance than a business administration student.

In addition, your budget is very low. You will only get new devices in the "Scrap when unpacking" class with the lame cheap hardware.

Please orient yourself towards 500 euro, then you will receive a used business notebook that can accompany you for a long time during your studies. Recommendation: Lenovo Thinkpad T550 or T450, maybe even a T560 is in the budget.


Okay thank you very much, I'll do that.


I bought an X250 for 300 euro a year ago and it was like new. So you can even get the 2015 devices with a little search effort and luck for the 300 euro targeted by the questioner.


There are several price ranges. If you want it to be uncompromisingly simple, you can use an old Mac. Older ThinkPads aren't a bad choice either. You should also take a look at the Surface range from MS.

How can you never have had a computer?