Getting 12 notebooks for free as selling privately on eBay, is that allowed or will the tax office kill me?


A friend of mine works in IT at a very large, well-known company.

The company renews all notebooks, thin clients etc.

We're talking 12x Intel i5 notebooks, according to eBay the value is between 200 and 400 euro.

The notebooks are in very good condition.

Well, that's why the question.

Otherwise I sell the notebooks to the Turk around the corner without eBay, but of course he pays worse prices.


You have to decide for yourself.


It is not allowed to give away 12 devices of this value. The recipient must pay gift tax or, if he is an employee, tax it as a monetary benefit. Furthermore, the tax office will certainly be aware if you tickle 12 devices on eBay. A final recommendation

Otherwise I sell the notebooks to the Turk around the corner without eBay

Do not do that.


For me that would still be a private sale. 12 is not that much now and it is not sold regularly. Otherwise, ebay classified ads for self-collectors…


Basically, this is allowed.

You just have to make sure that you can prove the legal purchase of the notebooks.

You should make it clear to the tax office that it is not a commercial sale.

This also applies to Ebay, because if they think that you act as a commercial seller, then they want a VAT ID from you, etc.


And still 13 years


And a troll like it, incredible.


And one night the 12 notebooks fell into his car like this.