Recognize someone with mac address?


Is it clear from the Mac address?

Will the laptop purchase actually wrote down who has which Mac address or ID number? How else should the police know who owns the laptop, for example if there's no IP address?

What is a Mac address exactly?


The MAC address is unique in the world, if you have not been plagiarized… LOL
however, the user can change the MAC address…
the dealer could be determined by the original MAC vllt…
but the buyer probably not… Especially since there's still cash…
the police so first determined differently the suspects and then looks at their hardware more closely… In a house search…


The MAC address is mainly interesting only in its own network.
She is, so to speak, in a hotel the room number.
While the IP address is the place of residence, the street and the house number of the hotel.

A MAC address has every Internet-enabled device because it is the address of the network card, as soon as one exchanges these one has another one. Or you just change them like that.

In a home network, however, each device not only logs in with the internal IP address but also with the MAC address. For example, a particular device will be assigned a specific IP address, which will then be kept.
In larger companies even the MAC addresses can be noted in order to be able to find faster the one who is working on this PC.


Well… A Mac address can be changed very easily, so far there's no identifier, they are not registered to my knowledge. There are also systems with dynamic Mac addresses that only apply for the duration of a session.

In a virtual system, e.g. Changing the MAC address on a regular basis - one reason why our system monitoring failed based on the MAC address and I need a different, unique, non-changing ID…


The second difficulty is then to ask further when connecting who owns the associated computer, e.g. In a school or a company, which usually have only a single external IP address, the rest is forwarded internally…

