Laptop screen doesn't turn on properly?

- in HP

I currently have a few problems with my laptop is an HP with Windows 10. It is a bit older, about 5 years.

As stated above, the screen does not turn on properly. When you turn on the laptop, all the lights go on, only the screen usually doesn't go on. I usually have to hold down the power button a few times and turn the device on again. Sometimes it takes a while, sometimes the screen only comes on again after 10 attempts.

I have a similar problem when I close the laptop in standby mode and then open it again. Sometimes the screen comes on again, sometimes it doesn't, but here I can't hear the fan either.

I already checked whether it works with another screen, but it doesn't work. Only when the screen is already on.

Can anyone tell me if you can fix it yourself, what could be the reason and how much it would cost to fix it?


To do this, you would have to know whether the screen itself has the defect, or just its lighting… Does this mean that when the box starts, can you see something on the screen if you shine a lamp on it?

Have you already used an external monitor connected to the device via its external ports?

It may also be an energy saving issue…


So mostly the screen is off right, not the black that comes out from the screen.
but after 10 attempts it starts to work normally, which confuses me.

Yes, I connected a screen to the HDMI connection, but there's no picture until the laptop screen comes on.


That could be due to the graphics card…


Google times for known problems with your device and the current Windows version. We have a desktop that is over 10 years old… The problem with it was that the monitor always switched off shortly after login. As it is often the case with branded devices, something doesn't quite fit together with Windows. In our case, I also googled HP and the problem mentioned… And after various tips, the right person was there: Windows has a startup booster that switched off the monitor on some HP devices. Two or three Windows versions I had to switch off this booster manually after the installation and everything ran perfectly. In the meantime, the Micronensoftler have probably managed to program the current Windows versions so that it works, including the booster.

Therefore: Search for this problem and your HP with google; also on the homepage of HP itself. Follow the tips here; if necessary, go back to the previous version and skip a Windows version… It's no break and if you don't always use the current version but the one before, most of the bugs are already out! So has certain advantages:-)