My laptop screen does not work properly?

- in Lenovo

So. I shut down my laptop yesterday morning. A little later that day I tried to turn it on again, but there was a problem.

The screen is just gray. It's like it's charging and turning on, but nothing happens. I couldn't turn it off because of that, so I just left it there and waited until the laptop ran out of battery.

I tried again today. I had hope because my laptop is a Lenovo and I saw the loading screen, which should mean that the screen works. But after the loading was finished, the screen simply went gray again.

I can make the screen lighter and darker. My laptop is always in energy-saving mode, so the screen becomes darker when I unplug the charging cable.


Is one of your keys stuck?

Press the power button for a long time.


The button doesn't seem to be stuck, but there's a strange noise. The sound doesn't come from the key, but definitely from the laptop.


Could be the hard drive. Personally, I would have a technician look at it.


Okay thanks!