YouTube is jerky despite buffering?

- in HP


I have a problem with my laptop… Whenever I want to watch a yt video it jerks despite the video has more than adequate buffered. The problem occurs only with my laptop… All other devices in the network have no problem playing videos… I also have 400mbit / s in the download and 25mbit / s in the upload… Therefore, I doubt that it is the line. The problem is browser-wide so both chrome and edge etc. Are affected. It also occurs on all accounts on the pc. I have already removed all plugins and browser extensions. I also deleted the cookies and emptied the cache. I have also run an antivirus (avast) and used all sorts of HP support assistant tools but it has not found a problem. I also let CCleaner run… But did not bring anything. Of course, I have all the device drivers checked and checked that all win10 updates are installed… Also, the cpu tempratur is still in the normal range… In addition, I ended unnecessary processes in the task manager and disabled some autostart services… But so far, nothing has helped. The strange thing is that it worked perfectly 3 months ago.

to my laptop:

he has no GPU but runs with the onboard graphics from the processor

processor is a celeron n3060 with 2 x 1.60Ghz (is not fast but is enough for LoL)


I honestly do not know what it could be and what I can taste there

hope you can help her.


Go to the video page and when the video starts, press Pause. After 20 minutes you continue playing it.

This should cause the video to be cached and fetched from your PC rather than the data line.


But is not that exactly buffering? I mean, I have a 400mbit / s line… These are the most videos after a few seconds already completely buffered…


Just. Therefore, I advise you not to bail via the line, but via HD.