Forgive partner infidelity?


The situation is the following. I have been with my partner for 5 years. During the time he was unemployed, I received an email from my laptop. By chance, I found out he was signing up for an online dating site. There he wrote with a woman. He flirted and tried to get a number or a meeting. When they did not respond directly, he deleted his profile. At that time he said he had only sought confirmation in his situation with unemployment he had felt so unmanly. We had a conversation about it in which I could ask what I wanted to know about it. I then decided to forgive because I had the impression he would regret it. Now, a few months later, I saw two girls whose profile looks to me like Fake following on Instagram. He said that was only out of interest and nothing else. He would do that from time to time and then delete it. I now wonder if I'm just overreacting to harmless things because everything comes up again for me or if his regret is not meant seriously.


Your partner has not done any infidelity at all.

You sniff after him, that would be a reason for separation for me.


Where there was no infidelity, there's nothing to forgive.

His behavior shows, however, that he really misses something in your relationship or just wants to take a breath of fresh air.


The pain. That you had to go through must have been very hard. Even if nothing really happened, your partner designed it by looking for other women. I've seen something like that a long time ago, where one of my ex partners spent days searching for women on Facebook. At the time our relationship was very, very fragile and my personality was also very unstable. Since the beginning of the relationship I have made him permanently paranoid reproaches, which were not true (jealousy).
The fact that he then looked for other women on the Internet, was the process in which he played with the thought of ending with me. The thought of being with another woman should, so to speak, motivate him to the end.
That was a very hard shock for me, but in spite of everything I stayed in the relationship, but not because I loved in, as I know today, but rather because I was very afraid of being alone. Today I can understand his reaction. He simply did not feel loved by me, and he had been right after the fact.

Guess the following questions help you: Has he ever gone astray? Does he generally need confirmation from other women? (little self-confidence). How was your relationship so far? What does he often criticize about you?
And the most important thing to ask yourself is what's best for YOU. Do you really want to let this permanent fear pass over you? Does he give you the love YOU want? Do you want to be with this man forever and ever?


He has laid it out, which is definitely a cause for concern.


No he did 'nt. She just lost nothing in his things.


But she has. If there's concern, definitely. For why was she wasting her precious lifetime with someone secretly looking for Plan B?

Is he fired because of me? Br BraelynnMaximo42